We help business owners and salespeople get more work, predictably and consistently without having to rely on pushy sales tactics.

Why consider sales training?

Sales Impact icon handshake Systematic process for selling

Process Creates Confidence

You know you are the best at what you do, you just need a process to follow.

Sales Impact icon target Development of a prospecting system

A Proactive Selling System

Means you get to go out and ‘pick’ the clients you want to work with.

Sales Impact Increased closing ratios icon

More Consistent Cashflow

This means you won’t experience the dreaded ‘bell curve’ effect.

sales impact Reduced sales cycle time icon

Reduced Sales Cycle

Clients convert faster meaning better cashflow

Sales Impact icon System for maximisingexisting accounts graph

Sell More To Your Existing Customers

They know and trust you and can be the easiest way to grow your business.

sales impact icon chart

A Complete A-Z Presentation Structure

How to actually ‘sell’ or conduct a sales interview that will give you more confidence and structure (and more clients).

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We’ll send them straight to your inbox

Sales Impact specializes in developing and implementing customized sales processes for businesses globally, no matter what your market.

We  empower business owners and salespeople with the tools and systems they need to grow their businesses, get more consistent work and generate more highly qualified leads.

We do this because we believe if you are the best at what you do, it is your duty to sell your solution to clients who may need you.

Hayden Burgess Director Sales Impact

Hayden Burgess


Brett Burgess Sales Impact Hawke's Bay

Brett Burgess

Sales Impact Hawkes Bay

Jeff Cruickshank Sales Impact Manawatu

Jeff Cruickshank

Sales Impact Manawatu

Case Studies

Sales Impact specialises in sales systems and process training for business owners and salespeople across New Zealand.

0274 350 950

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